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8 | 2014
Monseigneur le Dauphin, fils de Louis XIV

Actes du colloque, 24‒25 mai 2013, Meudon et château de Versailles
Monseigneur the Dauphin, Son of Louis XIV. Symposium proceedings, 24‒25 May 2013, Meudon and Château de Versailles
Edited by Mathieu da Vinha
Carton du colloque Monseigneur le Dauphin, fils de Louis XIV
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Credits: © Château de Versailles, Dist. RMN / © EPV

Louis of France was the first child of Louis XIV and Maria Theresa of Austria. His status as eldest son meant that, in accordance with the French monarchy’s rule of succession to the throne (male primogeniture), he became the Dauphin, and the King soon awarded him the title of ‘Monseigneur’. Destined to succeed his father, Monseigneur le Dauphin received a particular education and training intended by Louis XIV to make him as accomplished as possible.

Focusing on private life/public life, this two-day symposium examined the personality of the prince, his daily life, his education and his place in the state. Born in November 1661 from a highly consanguineous marriage (his parents were double first cousins), he was the only one of the royal couple’s children to reach adulthood. The aim of the symposium was therefore to examine the man himself ‒ as a future king, and not just a mere dauphin who died before reigning, a ‘pale January sun’ in the shadow of the Great King.

See the symposium programme on the Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles website.

Editor’s notes

Cinq communications au colloque sur dix sont publiées.

La communication de Claude Vigoureux, « Mlle de Choin, la Maintenon  du Grand Dauphin » a été publiée dans le numéro 11 du magazine Château de Versailles (oct.-nov.-déc. 2013).

Correcteurs : Jean-Claude Baillieul, Bronwyn Mahoney
Traducteur : Bronwyn Mahoney

Les textes ont été mis en ligne le 15 et le 24 juillet 2014.

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